Welcome to The Primitive Cornish Hovel. A place where I will share my love of prim, vintage, family history, many interests & everyday life. I hope to show you a glimpse of a bygone age through the history of my family & the many 'treasures' I hold dear. Mixed in with this will be snippets of life today. Do drop in again for a visit to see what is happening at 'The Hovel'. Comments are welcomed.
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
On the Seventh Day of Christmas......
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
On the Sixth Day of Christmas.....
Monday, 29 December 2008
On the Fifth Day of Christmas.....
Sunday, 28 December 2008
On the Fourth Day of Christmas....
Saturday, 27 December 2008
On the Third Day of Christmas....
Friday, 26 December 2008
On the Second Day of Christmas
Thursday, 25 December 2008
So I thought before my menopausal memory loss kicks in again I would try and think of six random things about myself.....not easy, I struggled last time but I will give it a go......Thank you Gina. If you want to feel Christmassy then go visit her blog. There are some great snow pics and there’s even been a sprinkling of snow today where Gina lives, a white Christmas, how cool is that. You will find the link in my blog list because I have not yet worked out how to put a link behind a name in a post itself, so any help with this would be appreciated.......
Rule #1 ~ Link to the person that tagged you.
Rule #2 ~ Post the rules on your Blog.
Rule #3 ~ Write 6 random things about yourself.
Rule #4 ~ Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
Rule #5 ~ Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their Blog.
Rule #6 ~ Let the tagger know your entry is up.
Again who to tag? So I will invite all who visit here to tag themselves and please let me know. I would love to know more about you, so in the spirit of the season please have a go. If I can then I know you guys can too....lol... Well here goes.....
- I used to be a psychiatric staff nurse when I lived in Nottinghamshire. Loved it but sadly due to an injury at work was medically retired at aged 38.....
- I got married for the first time at aged 41 after being a single-parent for 12 years
- I would have loved a house full of children but sadly had 3 miscarriages
- I am predictably unpredictable, if that makes sense. I have a fantastic mum, hubby, son and friends who understand my neurotic quirky ways (they must do because they are still here for me...hehe...)
- I'm not very organised and tend to leave everything to the last minute but work better under pressure.
- I talk too much & too fast when I’m nervous and also talk with my hands even when I’m on the phone!!!!
Well there you are, 6 not that unusual things about me......but back to Christmas, one of my favourite times of the year. I have yet to finish watching all of my usual Christmas films. I just may watch ‘National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation’ tonight, this film does make me laugh. And it is the first day of Christmas after all, only 11 more to go........lol....
“On the first day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
A partridge in a pear tree.”
We are all familiar with the seasonal rhythm The Twelve Days Christmas and according to most of the Western Church the first day begins on December 25. So on this First Day of Christmas I would like to wish you all you wish yourselves...
I have always associated this children’s song with Christmas and just that but the specific origins of the song are not known. It is said by some that it began as a "Memories-and-Forfeits" game and suggested by others that it is a song of hidden Christian instruction stemming from the religious wars in 16th century England. It is said that ‘True Love’ refers to God and the partridge in a pear tree is Jesus Christ, what do you think? Regardless of its origin I will always associate this song with Christmas....
I hope you guys had a great day, lots of pressies and didn’t eat too much!!!! I’ve been doing well with losing weight now I’m back at Slimming World and thought we would have a break this holiday being as the meetings fall on a Thursday....no such luck. There is a class this Saturday morning and one next Friday, our leader has no mercy!!!. I am going because the class is held only across the road from me, so no escape....lol...Until next time, which may be tomorrow on the second Day of Christmas...hehe....
Christmas comes but once a year,
And when it comes it brings good cheer.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
A Merry Christmas from the Hovel
My Christmas decs are very sparse this year but it is festive with the lights twinkling. You will notice that I’ve already began stripping the paintwork. Yes, my house still resembles a building site but the main areas are clean and tidy...The tree itself has mainly unbreakable ornaments due to one cat who still thinks she’s a kitten, Willow....


It wasn’t until I sat and looked at my tree that I realised that there were a lot of angels and fairies, which I like. I decided that next year I will put all my angels on my new purple tree....yes I have a purple tree and I hadn’t planned on looking for one. I went shopping with the intention of buying a brown tree (which I still purchased for my prim ornies, etc) but there on display was a purple tree. Well purple being my favourite colour I knew I had to have it, only problem was that it was the only one left. Leaving hubby on guard I went in search of an assistant and after asking very nicely was able to buy it!!!!!.....
But pride of place on my tree this year is a bauble with a photo of my granddaughter Korenza inside. Christopher and Jane had it made for me.....

I was lucky to see them Christmas Eve as they came to visit and to pick up their pressies. Ok, I did let Korenza open two, well she is only 1....It was great to see them and extra special for me as this is the first Christmas that my son will not be at home but it’s comforting to know that he will have a great Christmas with his little family....I was also pleased to visit my very good friends tonight who recently moved back to Hayle. Their grandchildren were also there so it was great to see them, their youngest being only 4 months. I love being with children on Christmas Eve so I can enjoy the magic with them. I took my friend Charlotte with me, who is my assistant ‘nanny’ when we have Korenza. Poor girl I do get her to help me with many things, one being the collecting of a rather large cat!!!!It was for sale in our local charity shop and just had to have him for my little princess Korenza.....
Sadly this year we have not had one carol singer at our door which is very unusual. I love to hear them singing outside but I have been playing some carols why I write this...

Well I must go to bed soon as it is now early Christmas Morning and I must be asleep or Santa will not come....lol...

Hubby's just come home from a long busy shift. I will be back in the New Year to tell you all about the wedding. It has come around quickly, hard to believe that my son is getting married on New Year’s Eve......Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year......Until 2009 take care....lol...
"I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"

Sunday, 14 December 2008
Let It Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!
But the fire is so delightful
And since we’ve no place to go
Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!''


When I lived in Nottinghamshire we had snow each winter. As a child I would be out in it for most of the day, only going indoors to change my mittens which were clogged with snow. Did we feel the cold? If we did we ignored it. What fun we had but as a child I was not aware that my dad would not be able to work, he was an outside worker, nor did I see the worry on my mum’s face due to less money coming in. Children in their innocence only saw the snow!!!
My son had some fun times too. He’s 24 now but I bet he would still enjoy throwing snowballs and jumping in the snow. The pictures below were taken at my old house in Nottinghamshire. Just look at that snow....


The gent on the left was my ‘husband’, we had never met before!!!
No it was not an arranged marriage, just for the night of the party...lol....
What we didn’t know was that while we were solving the ‘murder’ a fine sprinkling of snow was falling. I was staying the night so it was not until the next morning I discovered this beautiful sight....
This is what greeted me when I woke that morning


Hope is in desperate need of sponsors. She was found emaciated and will die without help. She came in from the Auglaize County Pound and is heartworm positive. A temporary foster has come forward, but the money for her treatment must be raised. If you can help this girl, please donate by paypal or send a check to APLMC, P.O. Box 663, Celina OH 45822. Please mark that is it for HOPE!!Ok Ladies, I need help. I keep thinking about this poor dog. So here is what I want to do. Any light orders 20 count brown cord ($6.50 plus shipping) and any 35 count brown cord ($9.99 plus shipping ) will be 100 % donated to this dog. Please contact me at angiek32@roadrunner.com with any orders. Please let me know what color and scent you prefer. Thank you so much in advance and God Bless you for helping !!!
Angie at Love the Prim look is in desperate need of help to save this poor animals life.
http://aplmercer.com/Sponsorships.html "
I know that we sadly have many such cases here in the UK but it’s great to see when people go that extra mile to help save an animal. If you do visit Angie’s blog check out the other bloggers who are involved with helping Hope. What an appropriate name, especially now.......
~ Emily Dickinson ~
A visit to Santa many years ago!!!!!
I’m on the left. My sister on the right looks unhappy!
Apparently she had toothache, poor thing....
Ok, so how many of you can remember visiting Santa when you were children? Do any of you have photographs of that time? If so why not search them out and post them on your blog and please let me know so I can pop over and see them. If you don’t have a blog then please let me know and I will post them here.....let’s get into the spirit of Christmas by remembering the magic we felt when we were children. I don’t know about you but Christmas for me as a child was a special time, and still is.........Until next time...lol...
Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All Men
Wednesday, 10 December 2008

The Watermill
Photo taken 1996 by Martin Bodmin
While in the bar area I spied a poster on the wall and cheekily asked if they had a spare one. You’ll see why I wanted one.....

‘’Betty Stogs was a native of the Cornish Celtic Nation.
She was unkempt& lazy, could never mend her stockings,
Couldn’t knit or cook and liked a drop of ale.
Her child was taken from her by the ‘’Small People’’,
Washed in morning dew and returned.
The shock of which turned Betty into a reformed character.
Sort of!!’’
~ Cornish Folklore ~
What a fitting ‘Queen of Cornish Ales’...hehe.......Well, I'm off to make a Lem-Sip and will be tucking myself into bed shortly, flu and me don't mix well.....Take care until next time...lol...
A One-year-old child is so many things --
A tiny discoverer of butterfly wings,
A hugger of Teddies,
A sweet sleepyhead,
And someone to dream for in bright years ahead...
Saturday, 6 December 2008
News From The Hovel
Hello from the Hovel and how are you all coping with this very cold spell we are having at the moment here in the UK. I love walking when the winter sun is shining but the wind Friday had an icy nip to it....brrrrr......But I did manage to visit my local charity shop (again!). Just lately I have been going in to have a look, see something I like, buy it then realize I can’t take it with me due to lots more shopping so I leave it there......yes you’ve guessed it, each time I go to pick something up I have a look around, buy some more, leave it and take home my previous purchase. Friday was no exception, I even joked that I should have my own locker store......but I decided enough was enough and phoned hubby to pick me up from outside the building after he had finished the school run. So there I sat on the steps outside what is locally known as Pratt’s Market (it’s an old Methodist Hall that was once owned by a man with the surname Pratt!). I looked like a bag lady sitting there with carrier bags and large laundry bags full of stuff. The lady who runs the charity shop kindly lent them to me (oh dear I have to go again to the shop to return them!!!!!)......The shop is called Brother Wolf and it helps fund the cat rescue she has. She is an amazing lady who for many years was a foster parent and now she and her family devote their time to rescued cats and re-homing them.........

I was particularly pleased to find the Boots bottle
as I’m originally from Nottingham,
Here is a collection of pillow cases, scarves,
placemats, cushion covers, etc.
A beautiful large pair of sheer embroidered curtains
with a muslin lining.
I do not see their original use, I see a selection of different material for many crafts and such like.....

I bought the hearts for use as templates and
the little pillows will look great when ‘aged’ and grubby.....
*************A nice little collection.
The gloves are a little too yellow for me,

A purple cushion from the school fete (ok I like purple).
The borderie anglaise material of the bag will be used elsewhere
Is’nt that little girl’s pinny sweet.....will look great ‘aged’

And once the pot puree is removed from the shoes they will be great for dolls
A nice collection of dolls waiting to be dressed in all their finery

Just the thing
Some of the patterns I recently purchased

And so the dolls won’t feel left out a fancy costume or two

Korenza aged 11 months
Trying out the new highchair I got for her
Korenza is one special little girl. Not only is she the sweetest, happiest little babe who I love to bits but she is very lucky to be here. She was born three months premature and spent over two months in hospital.....

Some cute dress patterns for my little granddaughter
Plus a christening dress.....
There is also a christening outfit for a little boy......which is great as I am now able to tell you about our good news. I am going to be a nana again in April. Yes my son and his fiancée Jane are expecting a baby and the scan on Thursday showed that it is a boy, so a little brother for Korenza. They did not want me to say anything until now. So guess who has started looking for boys things!!! Plus it doesn’t stop there.....My husband’s daughter after many years got in touch with us and we were surprised to hear that he is a granddad to 5, the youngest being 3 months.....phew! so I am now a step-nana to 6 and will be a nana again in 2009, which is fine by me coz I now have more grandies to spoil.....Speaking of grandies, may I introduce you to my future grandson Dylan Reilly Edsel Doyle........

A little wave from my grandson
My dad would have been really pleased that his name will continue on through his great-grandson. He would have been 84 on December 5 if he had lived and had always wanted a son but for his sins he had 3 daughters!!!. My son Christopher, who has my surname, will pass the name of Doyle on to his own son .....
Great Seal of the Irish Free State
Talking about my father today, who was from Southern Ireland, is appropriate, because it was on December 6 1922 that this part of Ireland was declared the Irish Free State....
Well I suppose this also means I will have to get my knitting needles out, but that will have to wait until the New Year. My house is still ‘Work in Progress’ so a little too dusty for making baby clothes. At the rate it is going I will be lucky even to put my Christmas tree up never mind the rest of my decorations.....Ha well. ...I’ve also been very busy with listing on ebay. Yes, after a break since March due to many reasons !!! I decided to bite the bullet and try and sell some stuff, mainly flea market items at the moment just to get back into it. I have too many things I no longer need or have room for and the extra money, if I make any, will come in handy. So I’m going to be busy, busy, busy. No rest for the wicked......Take care until next time...lol......
Grandchild's Hand
The promise of tomorrow
And the hope of dreams come true...
A reminder of the childhood
That's still a part of you...
The wonder of a miracle
From which this love began...
There is so much found in the touch
Of holding a grandchild's hand.
~ Author Unknown ~