Hello from the Hovel on International Women's Day, I hope you all had a good day....But before I go any further I would like to pay tribute to the six young men who loss their lives on March 6 2012 in Afghanistan. My heart goes out to their loved ones and my prayers and thoughts are with them. A senseless loss of life, we should bring all our soliders home....
R.I.P and God Bless
International Womens Day
In honour of women everywhere this day has been celebrated every year on March 8 since 1909....
Poster for Women's Day, March 8, 1914. Claming voting rights for women
The 1932 Soviet poster dedicated to the 8th of March holiday
The mimosa (technically, the Silver Wattle) is the symbol of the celebrations of Women's day in Italy and Russia
There have been many women who have left their mark on the world. I have mentioned some of those women on my blogs 'Away with the Faerys' and 'The Primitive Cornish Attic'....You may say 'Why has this woman got three blogs when she struggles to post here sometimes' and I would agree with you. I have many interests that I like to share with you. However, I may not have multi-personalities but I do have multi-aspects of my personality..lol..
The Primitive Cornish Attic blog began life as a proposed selling blog but it remained unused for quite a while. So in my wisdom I thought I would use it to show my collections, vintage interests, etc....
As you know The Primitive Cornish Hovel blog is a mixed bag of daily life, history, family, world events, etc. Now what you didn't know (or maybe you did..lol..) is that there is still the child within me. So to people who know me an explaination as to why I created the Away with the Faerys blog is not neccessary. However the reason will become clear....
I still believe in Faries....

and collect witches and suchlike. I'm not called KernowWitch for nothing..lol.. And I still believe in Santa Claus....
and the Easter Bunny....
and I love the colour purple....
So you will see if you visit my blog 'Away with the Faerys'...
I wanted to create a place where I could visit for a while to escape the pressures of being an adult, to relive the magic of childhood. DonT't we all..lol..
So now you know why I have three blogs. Until next time, take care...Hugs Chrissy xx