''Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we’ve no place to go
Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!''
Hello from the Hovel on this very wet Sunday. Christmas will soon be with us so can we have some snow please. I know, I hear you say that snow is bad for driving in and as pretty as it is it can cause havoc. But snow is so Christmassy and I remember the fun I had as a child building a snowman and sledging down Robin Hood Chase where I lived. If it snowed I could still build a snowman today but would have to say no to riding on a sledge!!!!
************* When I lived in Nottinghamshire we had snow each winter. As a child I would be out in it for most of the day, only going indoors to change my mittens which were clogged with snow. Did we feel the cold? If we did we ignored it. What fun we had but as a child I was not aware that my dad would not be able to work, he was an outside worker, nor did I see the worry on my mum’s face due to less money coming in. Children in their innocence only saw the snow!!!
************* My son had some fun times too. He’s 24 now but I bet he would still enjoy throwing snowballs and jumping in the snow. The pictures below were taken at my old house in Nottinghamshire. Just look at that snow.... *************
Christopher aged nearly 3 c.1987
My dear old friend, my late dog Arnie, enjoyed it too (I think!).....
Arnie, a faithful friend
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been caught out with the hazards of snow but thankfully lived to tell the tale. I remember one year, my son was about 5 at the time, I had been to a Murder Mystery party at my friend’s house some miles away. My son was staying with his ‘adopted’ aunt, a very good friend of mine. The party was fun, talk about good role play. By the end of the evening we were so into how roles I was believing anyone could be the murderer...hehe...
A group of my friends at the Murder Mystery Party
The gent on the left was my ‘husband’, we had never met before!!!
No it was not an arranged marriage, just for the night of the party...lol....
************* What we didn’t know was that while we were solving the ‘murder’ a fine sprinkling of snow was falling. I was staying the night so it was not until the next morning I discovered this beautiful sight....
This is what greeted me when I woke that morning
A magical scene
************* The snow was quite thick in parts but that didn’t deter my friend from trying to get me home!!! Problem was I had new suede boots on, so after carefully walking to the car we proceeded to travel. Big mistake!!! We made it to the duel carriageway but could go no further. We had to abandon the car like so many others, the road looked like a vehicle’s graveyard as there were lorries, vans, etc, scattered everywhere. So off we went to struggle back the way we had come. But me being me enjoyed the beautiful, magical snow laden surroundings. My friend however replied that if I said one more time ‘I wish I’d brought my camera’ she would not be responsible for her actions...hehe...We arrived back safely to her house which was all electric and yes there wasn’t any!!!!! And my boots, don’t ask.....I eventually got back home where my son and me were snowed in for 5 days without electricity but luckily I had a gas cooker & fire. We actually had some fun. We played games, listened to the radio, read and talked lots......
You may wonder why I’ve rambled on about snow.....It was when I visited Gina’s blog Cat Nap Inn Primitives that I saw her photos of snow, yes they have snow in Washington. Why don’t you nip across and see for yourself, I’m sure Gina wouldn’t mind.....It was while there I also noticed her post about a poor dog called Hope....
And this is what I read on Gina’s blog for December 9.......
"Angie at Love the Prim look is in desperate need of help to save this poor animals life..
Hope is in desperate need of sponsors. She was found emaciated and will die without help. She came in from the Auglaize County Pound and is heartworm positive. A temporary foster has come forward, but the money for her treatment must be raised. If you can help this girl, please donate by paypal or send a check to APLMC, P.O. Box 663, Celina OH 45822. Please mark that is it for HOPE!!Ok Ladies, I need help. I keep thinking about this poor dog. So here is what I want to do. Any light orders 20 count brown cord ($6.50 plus shipping) and any 35 count brown cord ($9.99 plus shipping ) will be 100 % donated to this dog. Please contact me at angiek32@roadrunner.com with any orders. Please let me know what color and scent you prefer. Thank you so much in advance and God Bless you for helping !!!
Angie at Love the Prim look is in desperate need of help to save this poor animals life.
http://aplmercer.com/Sponsorships.html "
I know that we sadly have many such cases here in the UK but it’s great to see when people go that extra mile to help save an animal. If you do visit Angie’s blog check out the other bloggers who are involved with helping Hope. What an appropriate name, especially now.......
Hope is a strange invention
A Patent of the Heart
In unremitting action
Yet never wearing out
Of this electric Adjunct
Not anything is known
But its unique momentum
Embellish all we own
~ Emily Dickinson ~
With Christmas less than 2 weeks away I’m hoping to take my granddaughter to see Father Christmas on Wednesday. Korenza shouldn’t be too apprehensive though coz granddad Andy has the long greyish hair, beard & moustache & the belly, so apart from the red suit she may think its granddad...hehe....
A visit to Santa many years ago!!!!!
I’m on the left. My sister on the right looks unhappy!
Apparently she had toothache, poor thing....
Ok, so how many of you can remember visiting Santa when you were children? Do any of you have photographs of that time? If so why not search them out and post them on your blog and please let me know so I can pop over and see them. If you don’t have a blog then please let me know and I will post them here.....let’s get into the spirit of Christmas by remembering the magic we felt when we were children. I don’t know about you but Christmas for me as a child was a special time, and still is.........Until next time...lol...
Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All Men
I had a photo of me with Santa..but don't know where it is..love the photos that you shared and thanks for the Plug...hope your week is off to a great start..TA TA for now! as my new Zealand and english friends would say...;)
Gina :)
Thanks Gina, my pleasure. Never mind about the photo although it would have been fun to see it. I only have mine because my mum gave me some photos a few years ago....
Today started early coz I have the builders back again. They are turning my long lounge into 2 rooms, thankfully they cut out the door into what will be the office/libray before they put up the stud wall or else I would have been boxed in (me thinks my hubby may have planned something...hehe...)...Cheerio for now...lol...Chrissy x
Hey there Crissy, i just left you an award, please collect it....have a wonderful day..:)
Thanks Gina...I will post 6 random things about myself if I can think of anything!!!!This should be fun....Hugs Chrissy x
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