Hello there and what a busy but enjoyable week I’ve had and despite the wet weather on Saturday my young friend Charlotte and I decided to still go and visit my adorable step-granddaughter in Camborne as planned. After first waiting at the train station for a train that didn’t stop at Hayle on Saturdays (sounds like the joke from the Cornish comedian Jethro) we finally arrived after a kind gentleman, who also wanted the train, gave us a lift. We were grateful but it meant being dropped off at the opposite end of the town to where we wanted to be. That was ok because then I had an excuse to look at the shops on the way. Got some great bargains at the charity shops, mainly for grandbaby of course..lol...Having not walked to my future DinL’s flat before and trusting Charlotte’s promise that it was only 10 minutes walk, I decided to forgo a ride in a taxi.....mistake. Now normally I love to walk but on this occasion we were not only loaded down with bin bags full of goodies (well I did say I got some good bargains!!!) it was also raining and windy. So off we trotted for this ’10 minute’ walk which magically turned into nearly ½ hour.....it didn’t help that I have little legs (in length not width!) and Charlotte is not only a lot younger but is blessed with long legs!!!! Despite arriving like drowned rats we did enjoy our time and then later my son drove us home......
After having a full day out I decided to sit down with a coffee, unwind and check out some of the blogs I like to visit, and I’m so glad I did because I ended having a really good laugh...at myself!!!! It was while visiting Linda’s blog Blue Eyed Girl that I found a link to www.yearbookyourself.com/ and its’ hysterical. If you want to find out if different hairstyles suit you this is the site to visit, be warned you will laugh your socks off......also check out Linda’s photos...lol....
So I thought you may want to start laughing here. Now some of these are a bit scary, well to me they are. I used the photo I have here on my blog and just had fun adding the different styles....I've decided that I’m glad I am in my 50’s now and not back then...hehe...**********************
How cool is this!!!! Is this how IWould have look in 1966
OMG Just look at those glasses.Is this really me in 1960!!!!!
How innocent would I have lookedin 1968...hehe....
Just look at those pearls in 1970
1974 - I can relate to this hairstyle!********
I don't think the afro works for me - 1978
Please tell me no one had hair like this - 1982
But my sister had this one - 1984
Never!!!! - 1988
I think we all agree blond is not for me.....1996
I hope I haven't bored you too much with so many photos of me but it did make me laugh seeing myself with these 'hairstyles', thank goodness I only ever had one of these....the one with the long straight hair.....But I hope they made you smile at least.......Enjoy your Sunday & take care till next time....lol....
Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, 'where the heck is the ceiling'
'Behind every successful man is a surprised woman' ~ Maryon Pearson ~
WHAT are the three words guaranteed to humiliate men everywhere? 'Hold my purse.'
I loved looking at those Chrissy!!!
Its a great website for a laugh - I didn't dare show as many as you though!
Must admit the long dark hair rather suits you.
Linda x
Thanks Linda, I did used to have long hair when much younger!!! I enjoy visiting your blog (you are very talented) and thanks for the link. I laughed so much at the different hairstyles on me, some I didn't show!!!!!One made me look like the queen...hehe...Love the new challenge blog you & Rosie have, very inspirational.....Hugs Chrissy x
Hi Chrissy,
you sure cheered up a sunday afternoon
Hi Genie, glad I made you smile...hehe...Have you had a go?...lol...Hugs Chrissy x
Hi Chrissy
I am in spasms over these styles. My DD did some of me similar to this. Being a hairdresser, I can say that I have had some different hairstyles. LOL. Just think, during a few of those decades you were really in style! LOL.
Blessings to you; thanks for the giggles.
Hi Blondie, I do like to have a laugh. I was in stitches myself 'trying' the styles on me. Thank goodness I only had one of them in real life...I've also done the same with hubby, it was hysterical. I may even show some of him...hehe...I'm wicked...Hugs Chrissy x
Omg- this is great! and I don't think you look bad in any of them!
Flattery will get you everywhere Debra...hehe... It was a laugh, have a go...lol...Hugs Chrissy x
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