Hello from the Hovel....I post today to remember my father who died thirty years ago on August 22nd 1981. It only seems like yesterday and not a day goes by that I do not think about him. I still talk about him and ask his advice. I had a strong bond with my dad and felt cheated that he died when I was only in my twenties. He was only 56, my age now....

''Photographs are Precious Memories.....

But my father would not like me to be sad and I am not. I am honoured to have had him for a dad. He's always there, just not seen.....
I had hoped to post last week but have been very busy so I would like to wish a belated memorial birthday to Patrick Swayzee who would have been 59 on August 18... a beautiful, talented man taken too soon. Of the many films he performed in the most memorable ones for me are Dirty Dancing and Ghost. Yes, I know swooning isn't the word for it..lol..

But my all time favourite is North and South.....

Sorry it's been a bit of doom and gloom post but life can be like that. Not only was it a day to remember my dad I also visited my son and grandees. Now that is joyful and a reminded that my dad lives on in his grandson and gt. grandchildren....Love you dad x
You can't beat a good old black & white film, there's something magical about them. But the next one to watch is North and South, mentioning it here as tempted me. So if you don't hear from me for a while it's because I've time-travelled back to the 1860's..lol..Until next time, take care...Hugs Chrissy x
''Greive not, nor speak of me with tears but laugh and talk of me
as if I were besides you there''
~ Isla Paschal Ricahrdson ~