
Welcome to The Primitive Cornish Hovel. A place where I will share my love of prim, vintage, family history, many interests & everyday life. I hope to show you a glimpse of a bygone age through the history of my family & the many 'treasures' I hold dear. Mixed in with this will be snippets of life today. Do drop in again for a visit to see what is happening at 'The Hovel'. Comments are welcomed.


Friday, 26 February 2010

Happy First Birthday to My Darling Grandson....

Hello everyone, thanks for visiting on this special day. Yes, my darling little grandson is one today and what a happy little soul he is. I am very lucky to have this little man living with me at the moment. The joy I feel as I see him grow and blossom into the sweetest little person.....yep, I do so love this grandson of mine, can’t tell can you..lol.......

What a smile... This was taken today at the Sea Aquarium at Newquay where Dylan went with his sister Korenza and his daddy and mummy to celebrate his birthday. I stayed at home to prepare for his party tomorrow...yes I had the joy of shopping, etc!!! Also it was nice for them to have time together as a family.......

The Sweetest Granddaughter anyone could wish for.
She has some amazing expressions.....

Well these two seem to be enjoying theselves looking at the fishes...

'Whats that Korenza'....

They had a lovely time and it did my son good to be able to get away and have a normal day out. Things have been a bit tough here and my son came back more like his old self......hope it lasts..lol..

Dylan certainly seemed to enjoy himself.
For one so young he looks so engrossed with the sealife around him......

I love this one...

'Ok, What do I do Now'....

The centre being quite at this time of the year gave the children more room to enjoy it. Korenza certainly took advantage of it according to Christopher. Judging by the blurry photographs of Korenza I saw earlier she was going at some speed as she ‘fled’ down the corridors...freedom..lol...She is a darling, I love her to bits...

Below is a beautiful, almost surreal, photograph of Korenza that Christopher took while experimenting with my camera. I think its lovely......

Those Eyes....

The photograph below made me laugh. Now believe it or not but Korenza was actually going to hug Dylan.....lol...Christopher said it reminded him of a scene in ‘Rocky’....lol.......

'Honest Bro, I only want to give you a hug'....

Now on this particular day the centre decided to paint some areas and as they were leaving my dear little granddaughter decided to leave her mark... quite artistic I think, don’t you...lol......

Modern Art...

Just outside the aquarium is a beach well known for its surfing. Taken by Christopher as they were leaving it shows the incoming tide. I have been here myself many years ago and when we visited the building on the top left of the rocks was a cafe. Now I love my watering holes but I was not tempted to cross that bridge for a drink...would you!!!.....

There has been a lot going on this week which I will tell you about later but one thing I will mention before I close is about the fire that occurred in the former Methodist Chapel just around the corner from me. It now houses different businesses such as an art gallery, beauticians, hairdressers and a beautiful shop that sells shabby chic and vintage items (I have lots of pics which I will post over the weekend, some lovely items or were) to name but a few. Although the outside appears undamaged the inside appears to have suffered greatly according to some comments. I know many of the retailers and feel greatly for them. I went past that at 4.45 last evening and saw my beautician waiting outside with other shop owners. Naturally they were not allowed inside so have no idea what as happen to their businesses. The fire fighters were there all day and a police car was seen parked outside last night......

Pratts Market, formerly a Methodist Chapel....
Thankfully no one was inside when the fire began.
A lovely old building.....

Well I must be off, still things to get ready for the party tomorrow. Luckily we are having it in the Scout’s hut just across the road. It should be fun with all the little ones. It’s been some years since I helped get a party ready.....if I remember it’s the cleaning up afterwards that I didn’t like..lol...Hugs Chrissy x

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Happy Valentine's Day.....Hello from the Hovel

Hello Everyone, yes it’s me...What can I say!!! MIA is not the word. I have been so BUSY the last six months that sadly I have neglected my blog. I have wanted so much to post here but at the end of a day I have been so tired that all good intentions to do so have been lost in my need to sleep......poor excuse I know but true all the same.....But here I am and on a special day also. Not only is it a day for romance but my 55th birthday (did I really say that!) and my 14th wedding anniversary...phew that’s an achievement.....And what a good day hubby and I have had. It’s been a while since we have been able to spend a relaxing day together...alone. Yes, we still have our son and two grandchildren living with us. Love them to bits but time alone is very rare..........

Can’t beat a bit of chocolate....mmm....
Should have seen the state of Charlotte’s hand, Dylan only wanted to share his chocolate..lol..
Ok so the bib is pink but the t-shirt was safe..hehe.......


This girl knows how to eat chocolate.....


The weather here was cold but dry with a nice winter sun. My pleasure today was walking along our local beach. I felt so invigorated afterwards I forgot my advancing years........


Godrevy Lighthouse can be seen in the distance


The above view greeted us as we walked towards the beach. Godrevy Lighthouse, which first operated in March 1859, inspired Virgina Wolfe to write her book 'To the Lighthouse'.....


Beautifully carved stone seen in the sand dunes....


Saint Gothian Sands
Local Nature Reserve


Walking back to the car
St. Ives can be seen in the distance


No Valentine’s Day would be complete without a romantic meal out so we went to our favourite place The Baltie King. Here by chance we bumped into Charlotte’s brother Ben and his fiancée Steph and so we joined them at their table. It was a great night with lots of laughter. You may remember Charlotte, my assistant Nutty Nanny...lol.......


Steph and Ben...Ben doesn't normally look this Dreamy...lol...



Yes I got some flowers, a lovely bouquet from Charlotte’s mum and dad....

I do have lots to tell you and I hope to keep my blog up to date from now on....There has been some good times which I hope to tell you about over the next few weeks.....


Until next time take care....lol...Hugs Chrissy x
