Welcome to The Primitive Cornish Hovel. A place where I will share my love of prim, vintage, family history, many interests & everyday life. I hope to show you a glimpse of a bygone age through the history of my family & the many 'treasures' I hold dear. Mixed in with this will be snippets of life today. Do drop in again for a visit to see what is happening at 'The Hovel'. Comments are welcomed.
Friday, 31 December 2010
Friday, 24 December 2010
Happy Christmas Everyone....
Christmas wouldn't Christmas unless I dropped in to wish everyone a Happy Christmas......
It's sometime since I've posted seriously on here and for that I apologise but life has been quite hectic in more ways than one!!!!!!
I hope to get back on track and start doing my blog again
Until then Take Care & enjoy the holidays
Hugs Chrissy xxx
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Celebrating VE Day and Flora Day.....
Hello everyone on this day of celebration, the 65th anniversary of Victory in Europe. know I haven't been blogging for a while and I am sorry for this but I thought I would make an appearence now to mark this day. I have been very busy but today I have time as I am taking it easy for a few days as I underwent a minor procedure Friday...(I had a lump removed from my 'nether region' and they had a look around my womb..lol..) so I have a few stitches...ouch... Thank goodness I was out of it, which saved me feeling very undignified..lol.. But back to the reason for this post....

Harry S Truman ~ Truman Library ~
In the United States President Harry S Truman, who turned 61 that day, dedicated the victory in memory of his predcessor Franklin D Roosevelt, who had died less than a month before.....
Many places around Britain celebrate this day with wartime events and I was lucky enough to be in Nottingham around this time in 2008. I was therefore able to visit such an event at Nottingham Life Museum at Brewer's Yard....I would like to share with you the photographs I took then...
Not only is May 8th VE Day but here in Cornwall it is also Flora day. The Flurry Dance, as it is known, takes place each year on May 8th unless it falls on a Sunday or Monday, then it will take place the preceding Saturday. It is a pagan celebration and the day starts with the first dance at 7 am, continues with the children's dance at 10 am, followed by the midday dance and the final dance is at 5 pm.....The midday dance was traditionally the dance of the gentry and today the men wear top-hat and tails and the ladies their finest frocks...

Unfortunately we missed the children's dance, which consists of many children aged 7-18. All wearing white with Lily of the Valley buttonholes. Four local schools take part with a different school leading the dance each year. The boys wear their school colors in the form of ties and the girls wear matching coloured flowers....

(Information for Flora Day curtsey of wikipedia)
Helston is beautifully decorated with garlands and flowers and the music is played by Helston Town Band and other local bands. There are stalls and other events and a fair...In 2003 we took along with us Vikki, the then girlfriend of my son Christopher who was away in Nottingham at the time....So off to the fair we went...
Friday, 5 March 2010
The Sun Shines for St. Piran's Day.....
Greetings from the Hovel on March 5th, St. Piran's Day and what beautiful sunny weather we have had despite it being cold. Thankfully it didn't rain because throughout Cornwall different events and parades would have taken place to mark this special day.
St. Piran is the patron saint of Cornwall and tin-miners. According to legend, St. Piran was born in Ireland in the 6th century and possessed miraculous powers. The Irish kings grew afraid of his powers and cast him out to sea tied to a millstone. Despite the treacherous waters St. Piran survived and was washed ashore at Perranporth. To promote Christainity he began to build a Oratory, which is now preserved in the towans at Perran Sands......
St. Piran's Oratory (Photo by Tony Atkins)
In Grass Valley, California, St. Piran's Day is also celebrated to honor the Cornish miners who helped in the mines in the mid 19th century. A much closer venue for a parade was in Penzance but due to an appointment I was not able to go......

One event I was able to attend however was my grandson's birthday party held last Saturday and what a busy day it was......made so much easier thanks to my dear friend and 'adopted' daughter Vikki.........
I have known Vikki for about 8 years and was in fact a former girlfriend of my sons. Thankfully they have stayed good friends and I regard her like a daughter.....Now Vikki can be bossy..lol...but with a heart of gold and boy is she organized. Arriving mid-morning armed with bouncy castle, slide and other playtime goodies, she promptly set about preparing food. Charlotte and I were appointed kitchen porters, food and toy transporters. Thankfully the party was held across the road at the scout's hut so we didn't have far to go...lol...
My dear assistant Nutty Nanny, aka as Charlotte, was in charge of music and lighting........
And the party went with a swing...lol....
I have not posted the photos of the other children at the party because I have not asked their parents if it is ok. They all had a great time....