
Hello everyone, how is it in your neck of the woods. After the hot, still day on Wednesday thunder decided to come calling in the early hours of Thursday morning. I was glad I was inside because I do not like being outside when there’s thunder and lightning....Mind you if I was out what was I doing in the early hours at my age!!!!!..
I remember as a child that to help alleviate our fears of T&L my mum would say that thunder was God moving his furniture about and the lightning was him switching the lights on and off. Did it help, I think so but I knew that I was safe with my mum.......
Lightning over Miramare DiRimini, Italy (wikipedia)
I’m still doing catch up so I will try and finish it with this post.....So you can bail out now if you wish, which is what I thought I may have to do once the heavy rain came down after the thunder....lol....
Left: Merlin. Right: Arthur
We returned from our trip to Nottingham late Friday night, May 8th, to a very quite house. Before my son married he lived at home and would care for the animals in our absence. Usually on our return the road would be woken up by loud barking ‘Mum and dad are home’ and without fail Mr Darcy would greet us at the door, outside the house I may add. My cats are not allowed out while I’m away but Mr Darcy always managed to escape. This time there was no barking dogs due to still being in kennels and obviously no Mr Darcy. The house was not the same without my three boys......
Saturday May 9th
We picked up the boys from the kennels and they looked really well. I would highly recommend Tregurtha Downs Farm boarding kennels at Goldsithney. It is also a riding school and livery, they have some beautiful horses.......
A Toadstool in a corner of the farm. If you look, you may find a Cornish Pixie...
Tuesday May 12th
Another worrying day for me... Arthur went to the vets to have a lump removed from his left shoulder area, which was discovered when he went for his vaccinations. My cats Evie and Phoenix, half-sisters, were also booked in that afternoon for their boosters.....This was déjà for me. The Monday morning Mr Darcy had his exploratory op, Arthur and Merlin were booked in at the vets for their boosters in the afternoon!!!!.....
Evie Snuggles Munchin. Resting in my basket of medals and tins
Phoenix BooBoo on our garden wall, the house is our neighbours************
Fortunately everything seemed ok but I requested the lump sent away for tests (the news was good). In the afternoon we collected Arthur after the girls had their boosters but the upsetting part of the day was that we also collected Mr Darcy’s ashes. The reality of my loss hit me hard but my furry friend was coming home with me. I placed him on my computer desk, which is where he liked to be, and he is still there. His ashes are in a lovely wooden casket and Summerleaze Pet Crematorium put it in a small box with some dried flowers placed on top. Also they give a certificate with the date of the cremation. It happened to have been on the day of my sister’s birthday, April 30th......Always thought that was a bad day...hehe.......The photo below was taken on my mobile and is a bit blurry, sorry. Also madam is not looking too happy...
Manic Millie Snotbag resting on Mr Darcy Talking of Millie, she’s had a couple of visits to the vets over the last few weeks due to her having chronic rhinitis. They have suggested taking a nasal swab which will include sedation....I’ll see.....
Monday May 18th
Straight forward dental check-up appointment this day and on the walk back I took the following photographs. There are some lovely gardens along this walk.....
A Beautiful Poppy in full Bloom
Flowers growing in the wall
Wednesday May 20th
After my visit to the dentist Monday an appointment had been made for me to see the hygienist. My dentist wanted to see me after due to my having a problem with a lower tooth. They had explained that I may have to wait as Jim had a ‘long slot’ before seeing me. Now you know about my friend Charlotte and that we go a lot of places together. Well this ‘long-slot’ turned out to be her. We even went to the dentist together without booking the appointments together....lol...
Hayle Dentist Practice. It has a small double pathway and beautiful garden
Now Charlotte is petrified of the dentist and I don’t blame her but Jim is an excellent dentist. So there I am comforting her and giving reassurance. Oh was I going to look a fool....
I calmly walked in smiling and joking as usual. Diagnosis: possible nerve problem. Treatment: Root canal work, NOW....ok I can cope with that, just. I don’t usually feel anything when Jim gives me an injection but boy was I in for a shock, literally. The injection was to be given in the back of the mouth near the ear area, a site I hate having one. He moved the needle around so as not to hit any blood vessels, good, but he accidently hit a nerve!!!!! OMG, the pain and my body started shaking like a jelly and tears came into my eyes. Now Jim and I get on great and he has my total trust but I looked at him and said ‘That ****** hurt’...his reply ‘I haven’t done it yet’!!!!.....
Well guess who was outside sat on the step being comforted by Charlotte, yep me. I did start to laugh though, we were now frozen gums buddies....hehe...I also said ‘Is anything else going to go wrong’ with a smile!!!....
After this traumatic incident we called in at Johnny’s cafe on the way home for a soothing beverage, drank with a straw obviously. Now don’t be misled by the name, you guys would love this place. It is named after the owner’s father, but more about this place in a later post.....
Johnny's Cafe, Hayle, Cornwall
Later that evening despite being in pain Charlotte and I had a pleasant time. Andy was not yet home from work and we were just relaxing. Well it didn’t last long......
On the evening before I had a visit from the ex-partner of a friend of Christopher’s, the one who had stayed in my caravan last year. You may remember the incident with the penicillin lab...lol...When he went some of his belongings were left behind which I have kept safe for him. I had asked him in January to arrange with Andy a convenient time in which to collect them. Fast forward to Tuesday May 19th and suddenly he sent his ex around to collect them. I obviously said no as I wanted him to collect them personally to ensure that he actually got them, and I am legally correct in insisting this. Well going back to Wednesday the day was interrupted by a rather nasty threatening email on my mobile from this young man. I won’t bore you with the details and the contents and language of this and following emails is not repeatable, this is a family blog.....But I have to laugh. This young man read my blog, for legal reasons I will not say what he threatened regarding one particular posting! So I don’t know whether to feel flattered that he wants to read a middle-aged woman’s blog or sorry for him that he has nothing else better to do at his age but read a middle-aged woman’s blog...lol...
Friday May 22nd
Well the fun didn’t stop this week...On Wednesday night Andy came home complaining of feeling unwell, we put it down to everything that had been happening....This particular morning he woke up complaining of pain just below his lungs, near his op site. He did do too much too soon and I thought he had just pulled something!!!! So I suggested we went to A&E at Penzance after the vets appointment, terrible aren’t I. Arthur was due for a check-up and Millie needed an anti-biotic jab.....If only I had known...
The A&E visit turned out to be a serious one. I was called into the department and informed that they suspected a clot on the lung.....my world came crashing down but at the same time had to keep a brave face on. Andy looked so vulnerable and scared....Transference to Truro hospital by ambulance was to be arranged and at 7.45pm I ordered a taxi for myself from Penzance to Hayle via Andy’s firm (I don’t drive). Got home after an assurance from the taxi driver that they would get me home from Truro later!!! Quickly collected what he may need and went to catch the train, which was 45 minutes later. After getting a taxi from Truro station I arrived at the hospital about 10pm. Truro is about 25 miles from where we live....
Main Hospital Entrance where I 'hung out' in the dark...
A&E Department, which also has the snack machines..lol..
First I went to the main entrance and then to the A&E department. I arrived there just in time to meet Andy at the door being wheeled on a trolley to a ward. I could only stay on the ward until 11pm as the nursing staff wanted to settle the ward down, naturally. No problem, I’ve got a lift home...wrong. They could not come and collect me, so much for perks of the job (and they later billed Andy for the full price of my ride). Luckily Christopher’s boss Aileen phoned me and kindly offered to pick me up when she finished work, bless her, I was so grateful......
Walked around here, it's opposite the maternity wing. Poor girl outside in slow labour
So there I was hanging around Truro hospital. Now if you recall I spent some time here when my grandson was in the neo-natal unit, so I knew where all the drink and snacks machines were.....hot chocolate, crisps, etc..yummy...I had not eaten since breakfast so armed with my goodies I ‘hung out’. It was damp and I did look a bit suspect walking around outside but I got chatting to some interesting people. Aileen did pick me up and I got home at 1am Saturday morning...yawn!!!
Well guys I had promised to finish ‘catch-up’ here but I’m afraid it’s longer that what I thought it would be.....I do go on so, don’t I.....I will say tootle-pip for now, take care until next time...lol...(a little humor below)