It seems that some little furry animal also liked the pram. It had only been on the landing five minutes and it was already occupied.....
But what I’m really happy about are the beautiful gifts and card I received from my very dear friend Ann in Australia. I was over the moon and very surprised when I received the package. I feel really bad because it had been in this country for over two weeks and I didn’t realize....The usual card had been put through my door from the postie and you know what it’s like and the days went by and I still hadn’t been to collect it. I thought it was a dvd I was expecting so thought there wasn’t any rush, if only I had known. Eventually a friend offered to collect it and dropped it in on Monday. Imagine my delight when it was not a dvd but these beautiful packages inside.......
And the parcel smelled divine. There was a lovely card welcoming my grandson, baby boy confetti, toy, socks and top for Dylan and a dress for Korenza. How kind and thoughtful is my friend.......
And there were two gifts for me, a blueberry scented candle on a ‘rusted tin’ and three tubes of cookies. It was like Christmas and birthdays rolled into one. Thank you so, so much for these beautiful gifts Ann, they mean so much. Christopher and Jane were so pleased with them.......
Over the years we meet many people but only a few remain true friends. Ann is one special lady who I am proud to call a friend.........
Sinking of the Titanic by Henry Reuterdahl,
drawn based on radio descriptions. (Source: Wikipedia)
Another reason for my posting today is the date. Some 97 years ago RMS Titanic made a tragic place in history by hitting an iceberg and sinking, resulting in a great loss of life.......
On the night of 14 April 1912, during her maiden voyage, RMS Titanic hit an iceberg and sank two hours and forty minutes later, early on 15 April 1912. Many men, women and children from all walks of life lost their lives, some of who came from the county of Cornwall. One such couple was John Henry and Sarah Elizabeth Chapman nee Lawry of St. Neot. John and Sarah had married on December 26 1911. Sarah’s brother William was living in America and so the couple decided to emigrate to live near him. The trip on the Titanic was also seen as a honeymoon. They travelled 2nd class under ticket number 29034 which had cost £26, purchased from White Star agent George & Co of Liskeard....
While on the ship John and Sarah befriended other people from Cornwall, who they were with when the lifeboats were being launched. Sarah was behind a lady called Emily Richards as she entered lifeboat 4. When Sarah realised that she had to go alone she turned away saying to Emily, 'Goodbye Mrs Richards, if John can't go, I won't go either'. Both John and Sarah died in the sinking. The body of John was subsequently recovered by the Mackay-Bennett and was buried at Fairview Lawn Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia on May 10, 1912......
CLOTHING - Grey overcoat; brown suit; handkerchief, "J. Chapman."
EFFECTS - Lady's hand bag; gold watch, chain and locket; gold watch, chain and badge; £63 10s. in gold; 13s. 7d. in silver and copper; $2 in paper and silver, ect.; letter; baggage receipt; keys; tie clip; pipe; nail cleaner; baggage insurance; marriage certificate.
There is a memorial to the couple on Sarah's aunt's gravestone in St Neot Churchyard, Cornwall.....
(Information from
There has been many films made about the Titanic but the one that is most memorable to me is A Night to Remember made in 1958, an adaptation of Walter Lord's book of the same name, recounting the final night of the RMS Titanic. In this film a newly married couple are portrayed, who were based on John and Sarah Chapman. There are many such accounts of the people on the Titanic this couple’s story is just one. I mentioned this couple in particular because of their story but also because we viewed a tearoom in St. Neot before we moved here. It is a lovely community village on the edge of the moor. I at that time did not know about this couple but found out later on researching the Titanic. I will now plan a visit soon to visit their memorial......
My I have rambled on today so I will leave you in peace. Until next