Well before I fall asleep at the computer I will say bye for now....hugs from a very happy nana...lol.......
I am a |
Well before I fall asleep at the computer I will say bye for now....hugs from a very happy nana...lol.......
Didn’t we look a fine pair....
A Good Catholic Girl...
My First Communion or Confirmation 1962/1963
Is that a Nervous Smile?
My, where have the years gone......and like Andy I too sat on a horse but you will notice mine was a live one... I know, I have permed hair!!!! What came over my mother? Apparently it was popular at the time but for little girls...lol....
Me with My Parents Jean and Christopher
Well the years passed and I grew up and decided to train as a nurse. Here I am with a Good Luck bouquet for my finals from my fiancée at the time. And yes that was my real hair colour, which is now helped with good old hair dye!.......
Now this is the final shot of me you will be glad to know. What I failed to mention was not only have the years caught up with me but I also wear glasses so please may I introduce you to the real Chrissy, chins, warts and all......
The Camera Never Lies (I wish it would)
You were warned...Ok you can stop screaming now....hehe...If you prefer to look at some vintage Valentine pics instead then nip over to my other blog. I’ve even posted a Valentine verse I penned for a friend many years ago, how sad am I.......
Well there you have it, a brief summery of, in pictures, of my 54 years. If you are still with me I will say good night. I hope you enjoyed Valentine’s Day and was spoilt rotten....Until next time take care...lol.....
Southwell Minster, Nottinghamshire
~~~~~~~~~~ Andy is 4th from the right on the back row
(he is asleep at the mo, blissfully unaware I showing you guys this...lol...)
The following photo shows Andy a little older and certainly much younger than today. I didn’t know him at this time. He is at work as a taxi controller in Nottingham, a job he still does here in Cornwall as well as school runs. Talking of his job, he has not booked today off. I had made plans for the day which was to end in having a meal but you know what men are like. We usually go away as my birthday is also this month (also wedding anniversary) but because of the builders and my back still not 100% we have postponed our break away. We were hoping to go at the end of March but Andy just heard this week that he will be having his op to have his gall bladder removed on the 4th March. So it looks like we may only manage a long weekend sometime this month...Ha well....
Aren’t we a pair of old crocks!!! I myself am not 100% but way better than I was. It was a long haul this time, I even went to see our GP which I never do. He wants to see me again in a month, drat.... But I was mobile enough to stand out in the snow on Monday.....yes I know there has been lots and lots of snow up country but for the first time since we have been living here in Cornwall we had proper snow. Even Hayle, which usually only gets a shower of hailstones. You can imagine what I was like, I love the snow. Andy even asked the builders when he came home from work if I’d been dancing in it, he knows me so well. I know the following pic doesn’t show much but this was early in the afternoon.....
The following pictures are beautiful. My friend Charlotte’s brother is away at university and this is near where he lives....
We had more snow at night and I stood outside watching the snow fall. It was so quiet and the air so fresh, it felt really Chrismassy, magical. I took a photograph of my tree in the front garden and went to take more but the batteries died, typical. But there are some good pics on http://www.bbc.co.uk/cornwall/ in the pictures for weather........
I know this doesn’t show much but at least we had some.
Notice the rubble, etc, from my ongoing building work.
I hope to get the outside of the house painted in the Spring....
The snow has all gone now because of the rain. Charlotte and I went to Penzance today and it was very wet with a strong icy wind. The sea was very choppy with the spray splashing over the rail track. I was pleased to get home.....But the forecast is that more snow is expected later this week.I know it can be hazardous and I do feel for the animals, especially the sheep as they lamb in February but I can’t help it, I love snow.....Until next time take care...lol......