Hello there...hadn’t realised that it’s been over two weeks since I posted anything here, doesn’t time fly when you’re enjoying yourself.....hehe..... It’s been a busy few weeks with me doing lots of things but mainly catching up with family history and doing some research for other people. I love the hunt and when you find that elusive ancestor it’s great. The weather was the decisive point for me staying indoors to do FH and what weather we’ve had. There’s been rain, wind, a little sun and more rain.....the only thing we haven’t had is snow and fog but there’s time yet...
So while the rain and wind have been dancing together outside my window I’ve been back to 1647, George Flinders to be exact, hubby’s gt.gt.gt.gt.gt.gt.gt.gt. Grandfather ...phew! What amazes me is the amount of children that were born to our ancestors ....Now I don’t know about you girls but I think our female ancestors were a gutsy lot and all without pain relief!!!! Plus no washing machines, dryers or cleaners. Although I love the idea of a simpler time and anything vintage that is one part I’m glad not to experience.......So I salute Mary Gunne, the lady who chose to marry George Flinders, and all the other women who contributed to the family line that resulted in my husband Andy.......
Esther Leggott nee Sharpe - 1846-1913 –
At aged 22 married Charles Revel and became a mother of 11 children
One of her sons, Richard, would marry Annie Needham
Esther is Gt. Gt. Grandmother to Andy
Harriet Needham nee Bolland - 1836-1890 -
Not a very clear photograph of this fine lady who had 9 children.
Harriet & husband George are parents to Annie below.
Another Gt. Gt. Grandmother for dear hubby.
Annie Leggott nee Needham - 1867-1951 -
Married Richard Leggott at 29 and had two daughters.
Andy’s Gt. Grandmother seen with his mother Margaret c.1927-28
Mary Ann Laws nee Burton - 1856-1907 -
Seen here with husband Thomas and some of her 13 children.
Andy’s Gt. Grandmother
Annie Laws nee Leggott - 1899-1991 -
Seen here as a young girl, who would later grow up to have 5 children.
Married Alfred Ernest Laws in 1923
Grandmother to Andy
I have this group of women to thank for my dear hubby and do not blame them in the slightest when at times their descendent is grumpy...hehe.....that’s down to the male line....although the following group of women are from the paternal side they’re not to blame either....
Mary Coy nee Bond - 1786-1866 -
Would be widowed the same year this was taken (1864)
when husband Thomas died. This couple had 5 children.
Gt.Gt.Gt.Gt. Grandparents to Andy
Ann Ward nee Pykett - 1848-1915 -
Andy’s Grandfather John Henry is leaning at her knee
Ann & husband William had 10 children
All are seen here bar Florence who died aged 3 ½
Another Gt. Grandmother for hubby
Matilda Alice Ward nee Lane - 1886-1929 -
Son William and daughter Alice are seen here with their mother.
John Henry, seen with his mother Ann in the previous photo, and Matilda had 4 children Grandmother to Andy
Eight remarkable women who were born in different centuries and between them had 59 children....I hope you enjoyed meeting my husband’s ancestors.....Until next time...lol....
‘Some family trees have beautiful leaves,
and some have just a bunch of nuts.
Remember, it is the nuts that make the tree worth shaking.’
~Author Unknown